"The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier, is a fun subversion “of the gallery
walls as a plate”. It is a performance of making a live abstract food painting,
on the gallery wall that we are all invited, including dogs, to eat, right off the wall.
From part of a performance curatorial event Interconnected Performers by Nicole Fournier (collaboration between InTerreArt and articule) between Nicole Fournier, tagny duff and eric letourneau.
"The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
Vidéo (excerpt) produced in march 2013
Interconnected Performers curated by Nicole Fournier
Videographer : Anurag Dhir 2009
Video editor : Nicole Fournier 2013
Production : Nicole Fournier, InTerreArt 2013
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
(live dining actions - dirt (earth, soil) on the floor and vegetable on the earth, with symbolic harvesting going on and composting and preparing and cooking, to painting with food paint, for painting on the wall and then eating off the wall.... other actions were performed, from the "Blinding light of death and cooking the earth" such as sharking and weedwacker action, blow drying food, and other absurd but meaningful actions....)
The table seen here was is the same one used for Tagny Duff's performance "Performing Diagnostics"
this photo was taken at the end of the performance event
Interconnected Performers
Curator: Nicole Fournier
Performances by:
Tagny Duff
André Éric Letourneau
Nicole Fournier
the following 11 series of photos, which begin at the beginning of the performance event.
The 3 performances by Nicole Fournier, Tagny Duff and André Eric Letourneau, happened simultaneous, each interacting with each other in subtle and obvious ways.
The process of painting the wall with good food for us all to eat: "off the wall"
preparing and cooking the vegetable paint for eating/dining, was done by Nicole Fournier and members of the public-participants

image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by John Dykeman

image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by John Dykeman

image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman

image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman

image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman
the video projection on articule's storefront window of live video mixing between the first episode of the "Six millions dollar man" and the excerpts from the documentary "the private lives of plants" (that the sex lives of plant or how pollination happens)
the video projection becomes a projection of the image of fungi on pumpkin in a compost, as part of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier

fungi performing on decomposing pumpkin fall 2008
photograph by Nicole Fournier
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman

image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman

image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Tagny Duff
The first performance event showcasing the concept of Interconnected Performers
A Performance Concept - A Performance Event - February 1st, 2009 at articule, 262 Fairmount O. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Performing Diagnostics
Installation-performance starting at noon, action at 6:30pm
Drive-in for sled dogs
Happening at 6:30pm
The Interconnections of people,dogs, fungi, food,...performing
Installation-performance starting at noon, action at 7pm and 7:30pm
Please note your dogs are invited to the performance, starting at 6:30pm.
Interconnected Performers showcases some of the concerns of interspecies relations, interhuman relations, bioworks, ecologies and interconnections with non-human performers. The event addresses human interrelationships and collectivity using living matter, bacteria, fungi and cellular collectivity (which make up humans and other species), along with non-cellular, viral performance, interconnected to life. It is about invisible performances that take place in the microcosm and the macrocosm.
From part of a performance curatorial event Interconnected Performers by Nicole Fournier (collaboration between InTerreArt and articule) between Nicole Fournier, tagny duff and eric letourneau.
Vidéo (excerpt) produced in march 2013
Interconnected Performers curated by Nicole Fournier
Videographer : Anurag Dhir 2009
Video editor : Nicole Fournier 2013
Production : Nicole Fournier, InTerreArt 2013

image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
(live dining actions - dirt (earth, soil) on the floor and vegetable on the earth, with symbolic harvesting going on and composting and preparing and cooking, to painting with food paint, for painting on the wall and then eating off the wall.... other actions were performed, from the "Blinding light of death and cooking the earth" such as sharking and weedwacker action, blow drying food, and other absurd but meaningful actions....)
The table seen here was is the same one used for Tagny Duff's performance "Performing Diagnostics"
this photo was taken at the end of the performance event
Interconnected Performers
Curator: Nicole Fournier
Performances by:
Tagny Duff
André Éric Letourneau
Nicole Fournier
the following 11 series of photos, which begin at the beginning of the performance event.
The 3 performances by Nicole Fournier, Tagny Duff and André Eric Letourneau, happened simultaneous, each interacting with each other in subtle and obvious ways.
The process of painting the wall with good food for us all to eat: "off the wall"
preparing and cooking the vegetable paint for eating/dining, was done by Nicole Fournier and members of the public-participants
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by John Dykeman
image of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Performing Diagnostics" by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman
the video projection on articule's storefront window of live video mixing between the first episode of the "Six millions dollar man" and the excerpts from the documentary "the private lives of plants" (that the sex lives of plant or how pollination happens)
the video projection becomes a projection of the image of fungi on pumpkin in a compost, as part of "The interconnections of people, dogs, fungi, food...performing" by Nicole Fournier

fungi performing on decomposing pumpkin fall 2008
photograph by Nicole Fournier

photo by Tagny Duff
photo by Tagny Duff
photo by John Dykeman
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman
image of "Drive-in for sled dogs" by André Eric Letourneau
photo by John Dykeman

photo by Tagny Duff

photo by Tagny Duff

photo by Tagny Duff

photo by Tagny Duff

photo by Tagny Duff
The first performance event showcasing the concept of Interconnected Performers
A Performance Concept - A Performance Event - February 1st, 2009 at articule, 262 Fairmount O. Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Performing Diagnostics
Installation-performance starting at noon, action at 6:30pm
Drive-in for sled dogs
Happening at 6:30pm
The Interconnections of people,dogs, fungi, food,...performing
Installation-performance starting at noon, action at 7pm and 7:30pm
Please note your dogs are invited to the performance, starting at 6:30pm.
Interconnected Performers showcases some of the concerns of interspecies relations, interhuman relations, bioworks, ecologies and interconnections with non-human performers. The event addresses human interrelationships and collectivity using living matter, bacteria, fungi and cellular collectivity (which make up humans and other species), along with non-cellular, viral performance, interconnected to life. It is about invisible performances that take place in the microcosm and the macrocosm.